What Does A Truck Mounted Boom Pump Do?

A very unique piece of industrial equipment is called a truck-mounted boom pump. Its sole purpose is to transfer concrete, in its liquid form, to remote locations as it travels through the boom that provides the conduit. The boom utilizes an articulating arm. It is easy to control, allowing the user to position the concrete wherever it needs to go. These are typically mobile, allowing the business owner to drive it to any location to complete jobs that require concrete in what could be very hard to reach locations. Here is an overview of how they work, and also where you can find good deals on them today.

truck mounted boom pump
truck mounted boom pump

What Type Of Businesses Will Need These

If you have ever driven by a construction project, of any type, you’re probably seen one of these vehicles on the side of the road. You may have even seen them in action. They are typically driven to a specific location, and once they are set in place, then the boom and the truck-mounted concrete pump can be activated. They are specifically used for the purpose of delivering concrete. However, they do so in a very unique way.

How Do These Work When Fully Operational?

Perhaps the easiest way to explain how they work is to look at the pistons. Every concrete pump car that is being used utilizes pistons that will go back and forth. As they move, the concrete is extracted from where it has been produced and is sent forward by the power of the pistons. The pistons that are used on a mounted boom pump truck are exceptional. They can be elevated well over 100 feet in the air. There are some that are even more powerful. You will often see these on large construction sites that buildings are being erected, as well as jobs like bridges.

Where Can You Find These Units On Sale?

As you sift through many listings that you will find online, you will be directed to several different companies. Of all of these, there will be a few that will look promising in regard to their capabilities and the price. It may take some time to ship it to you, particularly if you get this from a neighboring country. However, if the price is appropriate, and you will save a substantial amount on your purchase, it will be worth the wait once you begin to use it.

concrete pump car
concrete pump car

A truck mounted boom pump could be what you need for your business. It may help you expand the number of clients that you can work with at any given time. If you have multiple units, dispatching workers to different jobsites that need this particular piece of machinery could help you generate more revenue for your company. It’s also very easy to locate very good prices on this industrial equipment that so many contractors and business owners use. If you start looking today for a truck mounted boom pump, you will find one that is affordable that you can soon use.