How to safely use a 15 ton overhead crane

What are some of the safety tips that you need to know when operating a 15 ton overhead crane (мостовой кран 15 тонн). As you well know, these cranes are heavy duty machines, and they are supposed to be inspected regularly. That is one of the main things you need to know when you are using an overhead gantry crane. And regular maintenance had to be performed, too.

Deliver high-quality overhead crane 15 ton factory price
The quality of bridge cranes is 15 tons high

While inspections are performed regularly, each person that operates an gantry and overhead crane (козловой и мостовой кран AIMIX) needs to make sure that the equipment is suitable when it comes to performing a particular task. It needs to have the proper lifting capacity of course, and it has to be capable of traveling with the load.

Sometimes there are different types of loads that need to be picked up in a facility and moved. In a facility I used to work for, the loads always varied in terms of capacity. You definitely want to stay on your toes when it comes to the different types of loads that you have to pick up using a crane. In other words, the load weight needs to be confirmed. You also have to be sure that you’re using the right sling. These slings can be made of different materials, and you have to make sure that you have the best sling in place for the job. Those slings have to be inspected, too.

Order overhead crane 15t
15t overhead crane from the crane manufacturer

Do you have more than one set of slings? At a facility I worked for, we have two types, steel and kevlar (сталь и кевлар). We could use both for the most part, but sometimes one worked better than the other in terms of how the load had to be lifted. And sometimes it wasn’t about capacity as much as it was about the shape of the load.

A 15 ton overhead crane is a heavy duty piece of equipment, and crane operators need to be sure that they are communicating properly with all other workers. There are certain hand signals that crane operators sometimes use. People should be aware in a load lifting area that work is about to be done so that everyone can stay clear of what’s taking place.

The quality of bridge cranes is 15 tons high
Deliver high-quality overhead crane 15 ton factory price

One thing that you need to make sure of is that the sling is fully on the hooks. This is an issue I want to emphasize because it’s easier than you think to make a mistake. The slings need to be in place completely because otherwise, the load isn’t going to be supported by the crane system.

Operators want to be clear of the load and its path, too. As you can see, there are quite a few safety tips to take into account when you are using a 15 ton gantry crane. These overhead cranes are responsible for lifting enormous loads, and they have to be handled with care. All operators should be trained in regards to using the crane safely so that everything works out the way that it is supposed to overall. Take all safety precautions when using a 15 ton crane.