How And When To Use A Trackless Transfer Cart

The steering angle of a trackless transfer cart can control the movement of heavy items from one place to another without rotating the body of the cart. The particular setup makes the space utilization rate extremely high. The high level of efficient operation saves time, cost, and space.

Trackless transfer carts are made of a number of systems contained on a frame including a steering system, an installation protection system, a drive system, a braking system, etc.
The wheels, drive motor, and steering encoder is integrated and the steering angle is easily controlled. The body of the cart can be utilized at different angles without having to rotate the actual body of the trackless cart. Manually operated, motor-driven, and multidirectional movement makes the trackless transfer cart much more efficient and easy to use in small spaces compared to automated guided vehicles.

Trackless Transfer Cart

Utilization of the Trackless Transfer Cart in Industry

Trackless transfer carts were designed to alleviate the need for different rail transfer machines in different stations to move heavy products from one section of a warehouse or manufacturing plant to another. For example, a set of manually operated trackless transfer carts can be used to transport lengths of heavy steel pipes. The horizontal and vertical movement can be used to transfer a wide variety of materials in any direction.


The electric transport cart can be customized by including a lifting system, tilting system, weighing system, climbing system, etc. all customized to your specific specifications and requirements.

Battery Trackless Transfer Cart

Design and Development

Ongoing design and development have produced heavy-duty trackless transfer equipment to be used in place of rail handling in confined spaces. It is designed to move heavy material and other items. The emergence of fluid-balanced suspension technology has greatly increased the handling capabilities. A transfer cart for sale can move forwards, backward, as well as horizontally and rotate in any direction. The axles have considerable load-bearing capabilities and the heavy-duty polyurethane tires can bear considerable weight and movement. There are three distinct technologies that are required to make heavy-load handling more efficient and smooth:

  • Independent fluid-balance suspension system
  • Independent operation from the central rotating shaft assembly
  • Efficient computerized load and steering control

How Does it Work?

The steerable trackless transfer cart is powered by a storage battery to power the motor. It can be controlled to move forward, backward, make a left or right turn and the speed can be adjusted. The hydraulic steering mechanism enables the cart to operate on a tight turning radius, the braking distance is short for safe usage, and the tubeless rubber wheels won’t damage floor coatings.

Benefits of Using a Trackless Transfer Cart

• Can move in any direction and rotate
• Tight 360-degree turning radius in small spaces
• Heavy load capacity
• Short braking distance
• No need to install a rail system
• Can be customized to suit requirements

The trackless, battery-powered transfer cart is widely used in industry for heavy material handling in industries like machinery repair shops, metallurgic plants, workshops, warehouses, food and beverage factories, and manufacturing plants to name a few. This transport vehicle can be used indoors and outdoors and it is not dependent on an external power supply.